Rabu, 20 Februari 2008

Java dan Permainan Berbasis web rankingterbaik

Java and Web Games

With all the hype surrounding Java and what it will do for the Internet, it should come as no surprise that games are being hyped as one of the most interesting applications of Java. Indeed, that's probably why you bought this book to begin with! Even though Java includes many useful features for games, it still isn't quite the ideal gaming language for the Internet.


Just because Java isn't an ideal Internet gaming language doesn't mean that it doesn't deliver on many accounts. In reality there probably will never be an ideal gaming language because games have such unique programming challenges and languages tend to be designed for general use. rankingterbaik

Although it's not the ideal language, Java does have much to offer for mixing games with the Web equation. Java as a technology is poised to bring interactivity to the Web in a general sense. Java games are only one aspect of this "interactive revolution." Java provides a level of platform independence, security, and network support that is still unattainable in any other language. All these issues are of utmost importance in any technology that is to bring interactive games to the Web.

Platform independence refers to the capability of a single executable program to run on a variety of different computer systems. rankingterbaik

This discussion might make a little more sense in the context of an example, so let's look at one. Consider an educational Web page attempting to discuss desert animals and how they interact with one another. Before Java, without using complex platform-dependent programming languages, the Web presentation would have been limited to text and inlined graphics. rankingterbaik Now imagine a Java game inserted right into the Web pages, rankingterbaik which allows students to play the role of a desert animal contending with other desert predators. This level of interactivity combined with the accessibility of the Web can't be matched by any other media. www.greateventsupport.com Web games written in Java will truly change the way you perceive the Web as a whole. By the way, this example isn't just something I made up for the purposes of this discussion; you will actually develop a game on Day 10 that is very similar to this example.

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