Kamis, 13 November 2008

LCD vs. DLP >>The Advantages of LCD Technology ( rankingterbaik )


The Advantages of LCD Technology
One benefit of LCD is that it has historically delivered better color saturation than you get from a DLP projector. That's primarily because in most single-chip DLP projectors, a clear (white) panel is included in the color wheel along with red, green, and blue in order to boost brightest, or total lumen output. Though the image is brighter than it would otherwise be, this tends to reduce color saturation, making the DLP picture appear not quite as rich and vibrant. However, some of the DLP-based home theater products now have six-segment color wheels that eliminate the white component. This contributes to a richer display of color. And even some of the newer high contrast DLP units that have a white segment in the wheel are producing better color saturation than they used to. Overall however, the best LCD projectors still have a noteworthy performance advantage in this area. http://greateventsupport.com Sewa Plasma rankingterbaik
LCD also delivers a somewhat sharper image than DLP at any given resolution. The difference here is more relevant for detailed financial spreadsheet presentations than it is for video. This is not to say that DLP is fuzzy--it isn't. When you look at a spreadsheet projected by a DLP projector it looks clear enough. It's just that when a DLP unit is placed side-by-side with an LCD of the same resolution, the LCD typically looks sharper in comparison.
A third benefit of LCD is that it is more light-efficient. LCD projectors usually produce significantly higher ANSI lumen outputs than do DLPs with the same wattage lamp. In the past year, DLP machines have gotten brighter and smaller--and there are now DLP projectors rated at 2500 ANSI lumens, which is a comparatively recent development. Still, LCD competes extremely well when high light output is required. All of the portable light cannons under 20 lbs putting out 3500 to 5000 ANSI lumens are LCD projectors. http://greateventsupport.com Sewa Plasma rankingterbaik

Rabu, 05 November 2008

LCD vs. DLP >> The Technical Differences between LCD and DLP rankingterbaik

The Technical Differences between LCD and DLP
LCD (liquid crystal display) projectors usually contain three separate LCD glass panels, one each for red, green, and blue components of the image signal being fed into the projector. As light passes through the LCD panels, individual pixels ("picture elements") can be opened to allow light to pass or closed to block the light, as if each little pixel were fitted with a Venetian blind. This activity modulates the light and produces the image that is projected onto the screen.
DLP ("Digital Light Processing") is a proprietary technology developed by Texas Instruments. It works quite differently than LCD. Instead of having glass panels through which light is passed, the DLP chip is a reflective surface made up of thousands of tiny mirrors. Each mirror represents a single pixel. http://greateventsupport.com Sewa Plasma rankingterbaik
In a DLP projector, light from the projector's lamp is directed onto the surface of the DLP chip. The mirrors wobble back and forth, directing light either into the lens path to turn the pixel on, or away from the lens path to turn it off.
In very expensive DLP projectors, there are three separate DLP chips, one each for the red, green, and blue channels. However, in DLP projectors under $20,000, there is only one chip. In order to define color, there is a color wheel that consists of red, green, blue, and sometimes white (clear) filters. This wheel spins between the lamp and the DLP chip and alternates the color of the light hitting the chip from red to green to blue. The mirrors tilt away from or into the lens path based upon how much of each color is required for each pixel at any given moment in time. This activity modulates the light and produces the image that is projected onto the screen. http://greateventsupport.com Sewa Plasma rankingterbaik

Selasa, 04 November 2008

rankingterbaik LCD vs. DLP =>know how (rental Projector)


If you are new to the world of digital projectors, you won't have to shop around the market very long before discovering that "LCD" and "DLP" somehow refers to two different kinds of projectors. You might not even know what LCD and DLP are before asking the obvious question "which one is better?"
The answer is simple. Sort of. LCD and DLP each have unique advantages over the other. Neither one is perfect. So it is important to understand what each one gives you. Then you can make a good decision about which will be better for you.
By the way, there is a third very significant light engine technology called LCOS (liquid crystal on silicon). It is being developed by several vendors, most notably JVC and Hitachi. Several outstanding home theater projectors have been manufactured with this technology, and JVC's LCOS-based
rankingterbaik DLA-SX21 <http://greateventsupport.com/index.php> is currently on our list of Highly Recommended rental Projectors <http://greateventsupport.com>. However the discussion of LCOS technology is beyond the scope of this article. For more click here <http://www.gesrental.com>.( rankingterbaik )
http://greateventsupport.com Sewa Plasma rankingterbaik

rankingterbaik LCD vs. DLP =>know how (rental Projector)


If you are new to the world of digital projectors, you won't have to shop around the market very long before discovering that "LCD" and "DLP" somehow refers to two different kinds of projectors. You might not even know what LCD and DLP are before asking the obvious question "which one is better?"
The answer is simple. Sort of. LCD and DLP each have unique advantages over the other. Neither one is perfect. So it is important to understand what each one gives you. Then you can make a good decision about which will be better for you.
By the way, there is a third very significant light engine technology called LCOS (liquid crystal on silicon). It is being developed by several vendors, most notably JVC and Hitachi. Several outstanding home theater projectors have been manufactured with this technology, and JVC's LCOS-based
rankingterbaik DLA-SX21 <http://greateventsupport.com/index.php> is currently on our list of Highly Recommended rental Projectors <http://greateventsupport.com>. However the discussion of LCOS technology is beyond the scope of this article. For more click here <http://www.gesrental.com>.( rankingterbaik )
http://greateventsupport.com Sewa Plasma rankingterbaik

Minggu, 02 November 2008

rankingterbaik Optimize HDTV =>Colour (rental Plasma)

Optimize HDTV
What it is: Also called saturation, this control adjusts how intense the colors look.
What it does: When there's too much color, the set looks garish and unrealistic. It's most noticeable with reds, which are often accentuated (pushed) by the TV's color decoder. On the other hand, too little color diminishes the impact of the picture, making it look drab. Setting color to zero results in a black-and-white image.
http://greateventsupport.com Sewa Plasma rankingterbaik
How to set it: If available find an image of someone with light, delicate skin tones, preferably a close-up of a face, on a DVD. Turn up the color control until it looks like the person has sunburn, then reduce it until the skin looks natural, without too much red. If the rest of the colors look too drab, you can increase color slightly at the expense of accurate skin tones.
http://greateventsupport.com Sewa Plasma rankingterbaik

rankingterbaik Optimize HDTV => Contrast (rental Projector)

Optimize HDTV
What it is: Also called picture or white level, contrast controls the intensity of the white parts of the image and determines the overall light output of the display.
How to set it: Display a still image from DVD of a white object with some visible details - such as someone wearing a white button-up shirt or a shot of a glacier from the Ice Age DVD. Adjust the control up all the way, then reduce it until you can make out all the details in the white (such as buttons on a shirt or cracks in the ice). In general, TVs look best when contrast is set between 30 and 50 percent.
http://greateventsupport.com rankingterbaik Sewa Plasma

rankingterbaik Optimize HDTV => Brightness talks

Optimize HDTV
What it is: Also called black level, brightness actually adjusts how dark the black sections of the picture appear.
What it does: Excessive brightness can result in a two-dimensional, washed-out look with reduced color saturation. Images with brightness set too low lose detail in shadows, and distinctions between dark areas disappear in pools of black.
How to set it: Turn up the brightness to full, then reduce until just at the point you notice a loss of shadow detail - for example, when people's eyes disappear into the depths under their brows, then you've set brightness too low.
http://greateventsupport.com rankingterbaik Sewa Plasma Jakarta bandung
Some plasma, LCD, DLP, and LCoS TVs won't ever look black, so you'll need a setup disc to properly configure their brightness.