Kamis, 27 September 2007



Peningkatan kesejahteraan masyarakat sering dipergunakan sebagai barometer untuk menilai keampuhan model-model dan teori-teori yang di tetapkan dalam pelaksanaan pembangunan ekonomi suatu negara, Sebagai tolak ukur dari peningkatan kesejahteraan masyarakat yang inti selnya adalah masyarakat pekerja. Berdasarkan hasil kajian oleh Organisasi Perburuhan NInternasional (ILO) menyatakan bahwa belum memadainya pemenuhan kebutuhan sosial minimum pekerja akan berpengaruh secara langsung terhadap persoalan yang menyangkut lingkungan strategis (Strategic Environtment / elingstra) yang meliputi Kebutuhan, Sosial, ekonomi dan politik Suatu Negara .

Di dalam kerangaka megangkat derajat nilai-nilai kemanusiaan, maka peningkatan kesejahteraan masyarakat dan pertumbuhan ekonomi ini biasa terjadi apabila masyarakat tidak berpangku tangan dalam pengertian harus mendapat pekerjaan dan penghidupan yang layak
Dalam rangka untuk lebih menjamin terwujudnya perluasan lapangan pekerjaan dan penghidupan yang layak bagi kemanusiaan, maka adanya sistem Pengupahan dan Kebutuhan Hidup Layak yang proposional, Prospektif, obyektif, produktif dan Aplikatif, mutlak diperlukan dan harus diciptakan. Menyadari hal itu, maka untuk lebih mejamin adanya kesamaan Visi, Misi, Presepsi dan interpretasi, perlu dilalui proses mengerti dan memahami terlebih dahulu agar segenap lapisan masyarakat merasa terpanggil untuk ikut bertanggung jawab terhadap pelaksanaan pengupahan dan Kebutuhan Hidup Layak (KHL) rankingterbaik

Dalam konteks tersebut diatas, maka Dialog Nasional merupakan salah satu solusi alternative dan oleh karenaya memerlukan pemahaman secara mendalam dibiang Pengupahan dan Kebutuhan Hiup Layak bagi Tenaga Kerja dan merupakan permasalahan yang sering menimbulkan konflik dan ketidak puasan atara team SDM dengan Serikat Pekerja / Buruh di Perusahaan

Untuk Itu Dialog Nasional Ini sangat penting dan strategis bagi team SDM dan serikat Pekerja / Buruh guna meningkatka kompetensi dan kapasitas di Perusahaan, didalamnya narasumber yang kompeten baik dalam masalah strategi maupun teknis terutama hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan substansi materi pengupahan dan kebutuahan hidup layak baik tenaga kerja di perusahaan rankingterbaik

Mari Bersama sama kita Menyamakan Visi, Misi, Presepsi dan interpretasi antara Team SDM dan Serikat Pekerja / Buruh dalam Penyelesaian Masalah Pengupahan dan Kebutuhan hidup layak serta Meningkatkan Pemahaman, Wawasan dan Keterampilan dalam Penanganan Struktur, Skala Upah dan Kebutuhan Hidup Layak dalam rangka meningkatkan kesejahteraan Pekerja Ketahanan Perusahaan


Minggu, 02 September 2007

Java is supposed to be platform independent for rankingterbaik

Java is supposed to be platform independent
If I had to pick one issue in this book that I think is most controversial, it would be platform-dependent applications. From what I read on the newsgroups and in the press, I think that many programmers agree with me. As you'll see in Part III, I myself am quite torn about the whole idea. rankingterbaik

Much of this concern is misguided, however. If Java is to fulfill its promise as a full-powered environment for developing applications, then it cannot be hobbled by requirements that are intended for applets on Web pages. Only by taking advantage of undocumented packages and the native API can Java programmers level the playing field with their C and C++ counterparts and produce commercial-quality applications.
The advent of Java-based network computers only extends the problem. On a network computer, anything you want to do must be done in Java. You cannot drop out to a native method in C. Therefore it is even more important to have full access to all the capabilities of Java. rankingterbaik

What went wrong? What happened to the dream of applets moving transparently and easily between platforms? The answer is that Java succeeded. In fact, it succeeded wildly, much faster and far beyond the expectations of its designers. What was a simple language for consumer electronics has become the most rapidly adopted programming language in history. It is being used for applets on Web pages, for database front ends, for numerical analysis, for multi-player networked games, and for much, much more. It is no wonder that many of these programmers need capabilities and knowledge that were not originally planned for Java.rankingterbaik

Java is supposed to be platform independent for rankingterbaik

Java is supposed to be platform independent
If I had to pick one issue in this book that I think is most controversial, it would be platform-dependent applications. From what I read on the newsgroups and in the press, I think that many programmers agree with me. As you'll see in Part III, I myself am quite torn about the whole idea. rankingterbaik

Much of this concern is misguided, however. If Java is to fulfill its promise as a full-powered environment for developing applications, then it cannot be hobbled by requirements that are intended for applets on Web pages. Only by taking advantage of undocumented packages and the native API can Java programmers level the playing field with their C and C++ counterparts and produce commercial-quality applications.
The advent of Java-based network computers only extends the problem. On a network computer, anything you want to do must be done in Java. You cannot drop out to a native method in C. Therefore it is even more important to have full access to all the capabilities of Java. rankingterbaik

What went wrong? What happened to the dream of applets moving transparently and easily between platforms? The answer is that Java succeeded. In fact, it succeeded wildly, much faster and far beyond the expectations of its designers. What was a simple language for consumer electronics has become the most rapidly adopted programming language in history. It is being used for applets on Web pages, for database front ends, for numerical analysis, for multi-player networked games, and for much, much more. It is no wonder that many of these programmers need capabilities and knowledge that were not originally planned for Java.rankingterbaik