Selasa, 28 April 2009

LCD vs. DLP >>The Advantages of LCD Technology ( rankingterbaik )


Graphics in Games rankingterbaik Photography rankingterbaik
Before you begin any actual graphics creation, it's important to decide exactly what you need in terms of game graphics. You already should have the game pretty well defined before progressing to this stage. The next step is to take what you know about the game and assess the graphical content required to make it a reality. This consists of making decisions regarding the game's graphical elements and itemizing the graphics needed.
Game Window Size rankingterbaik
The first major decision to make regarding a game's graphics is the size of the game window.
The game window is the rectangular surface on the screen where the game applet is displayed.
Because Java games typically run within the confines of a Web page, you have pretty wide control over the size of the game window. The only potential limitation on the game window is performance rankingterbaik Photography .
You might wonder how performance could be related to the size of the game window. In games with animation, the game window is usually constantly redrawn with animation frames. The amount of time it takes to redraw the game window is based on the window's size; the larger the game window, the longer it takes to redraw, because there is more to draw. Therefore, in games that use extensive animation, you need to weigh the game window size against the performance of the game. Photography rankingterbaik I've found that a game window size in the range of 200 to 300 pixels in both width and height yields decent performance results on a wide variety of systems.
Keep in mind that games that don't use animation aren't necessarily restricted to the game-window size limitation. However, it is still generally a good idea to keep the game window size within reason ,rankingterbaik Photography because the game will be embedded inside a Web page.
rankingterbaik Target Audience
The target audience for your game can impact the graphics requirements a great deal. Games for children typically use graphics with bright colors to help keep their interest. Games aimed at very young children often use highly contrasting bright colors and larger graphic images. Very young children have much more difficulty with mouse precision and timing, so you need to address these issues in your game design. rankingterbaik rental plasma tv Most children are drawn toward animals and cartoon-type characters. These types of graphics make a good addition to almost any children's game.
If you're developing a game aimed at teenagers or an older crowd, the graphics pretty much depend on the game itself. Many teens and young adults are attracted to games with realistic violence and a lot of gory graphics. Photography rankingterbaik Both inside and outside the commercial game community, there has been much debate about violence in video games, and the decision to include bloody graphics in your game is ultimately your own to make. I personally don't see gory graphics as being any different than special effects in movies; they have their place in some games and certainly can add to the excitement.
rankingterbaik Movies are a good example of how the target audience dictates the graphic detail. Children gravitate toward cartoons; the characters are easily recognizable and contrast well with the background. Within cartoons, there are varying levels of graphic detail typically associated with the target age group for the cartoon. rankingterbaik rental projector Older kids usually are more interested in cartoons that more closely approach realism. Similarly, most adults prefer movies with human actors instead of cartoons

Kamis, 13 November 2008

LCD vs. DLP >>The Advantages of LCD Technology ( rankingterbaik )


The Advantages of LCD Technology
One benefit of LCD is that it has historically delivered better color saturation than you get from a DLP projector. That's primarily because in most single-chip DLP projectors, a clear (white) panel is included in the color wheel along with red, green, and blue in order to boost brightest, or total lumen output. Though the image is brighter than it would otherwise be, this tends to reduce color saturation, making the DLP picture appear not quite as rich and vibrant. However, some of the DLP-based home theater products now have six-segment color wheels that eliminate the white component. This contributes to a richer display of color. And even some of the newer high contrast DLP units that have a white segment in the wheel are producing better color saturation than they used to. Overall however, the best LCD projectors still have a noteworthy performance advantage in this area. Sewa Plasma rankingterbaik
LCD also delivers a somewhat sharper image than DLP at any given resolution. The difference here is more relevant for detailed financial spreadsheet presentations than it is for video. This is not to say that DLP is fuzzy--it isn't. When you look at a spreadsheet projected by a DLP projector it looks clear enough. It's just that when a DLP unit is placed side-by-side with an LCD of the same resolution, the LCD typically looks sharper in comparison.
A third benefit of LCD is that it is more light-efficient. LCD projectors usually produce significantly higher ANSI lumen outputs than do DLPs with the same wattage lamp. In the past year, DLP machines have gotten brighter and smaller--and there are now DLP projectors rated at 2500 ANSI lumens, which is a comparatively recent development. Still, LCD competes extremely well when high light output is required. All of the portable light cannons under 20 lbs putting out 3500 to 5000 ANSI lumens are LCD projectors. Sewa Plasma rankingterbaik